Monday, 17 March 2014

Child Support

Whilst the question of Child Support in Australia is generally dealt with by the Child Support Agency, there are a limited number of situations when the Court can deal with the question of Child Support. A recent decision by Judge Neville in the case of Abraham’s and Sim, reminds us that the court can make Orders for maintenance and reimbursement of expenses associated with the birth of a child.
This is only possible when the Mother and Father are not married to each other and the maintenance element relates only to a short period before and after the birth of the child. In this case the Mother sought an order that the Father should pay to her a total sum of $27,061.00 and the Court ordered that the Father should pay to the Mother a total sum of $14,000.00. This is in addition to the ongoing Child Support Assessment issued by the Child Support Agency and does not take into account any payment of a baby bonus.